Summer is typically a busy time for pet vets. Some of the more common complaints we see are injuries, skin complaints, infectious coughs and tummy upsets.
Skin Complaints.
Over the past few weeks we have seen increased numbers of itchy dogs and cats. This is often be due to parasites such as fleas which thrive in warmer weather.
However there are many different causes for skin problems. Signs to look out for are itchy feet, scratching, sore ears, head shaking, bald patches on skin.
Causes can range from flea bites, mites, lice, ticks to allergies, atopic dermatitis, bacterial and fungal skin infections.
Regular parasite is a good idea – talk to your vet about what is the most suitable product for your pet.
Watch out for broken glass in the park. We see a dog nearly every other day with cuts on their pads.
We often see other injuries like cruciate ligament tears (knee injury in the dog) over the summer months. This is one of the most common joint injuries in dogs (and soccer players). Cruciate ligament tears are difficult to prevent and they usually require surgery to repair them, so all I can say is make sure you have pet insurance in place.
One of the more common causes of coughing is infectious tracheobronchitis better known as kennel cough. It is caused by a mixture of viral and bacterial infections. A vaccination is available to prevent it which lasts 12 months. Your dog will need this vaccinations if you are planning to board him over the summer.
Lungworm is another potential cause of coughing. Regular treatment is reccommended – beware that conventional use of worming tablets is not effective.
A persistent cough should always be investigated